OUR STORY 2007 THE PATENT. Ruggero Rosati, future co-founder of Nabla Quadro, has the idea of patenting a sensor to count vehicles in a traffic flow with a brand new principle of operation: the evaluation of the changes in ambient light level on the sensor when a vehicle goes by. 2008 NABLA QUADRO Srl. The company was born to offer cutting-edge solutions to improve mobility and environment in our cities. 2008 THE FIRST TRAFFIC MONITORING. The first project has been carried out in the streets around a business district called Consorzio Castel Romano, near Rome. Two monitoring stations have been installed to test the system in the medium-long term. 2010 BIC LAZIO INCUBATION PROGRAM. Thanks to the innovative content of its business proposal, Nabla Quadro has been selected by BIC LAZIO S.p.A. (today called LAZIO INNOVA), an in-house company owned by Lazio Region. The company’s headquarters has been moved to the ITECH business incubation centre in Rome until 2016. 2011 EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY RESEARCH PROGRAM. Nabla Quadro starts an R&D project to use Sky Light Sensor for traffic signal regulation in replacement of inductive loops. This process leads to a new product called Sky Light Intersection System. The project has been chosen to be in the “Incubazione ESA BIC Italy” programme, sponsored by Business Incubation Centre Lazio and the European Space Agency. 2012 TESTING AT THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL IN BOLOGNA Sky Light Parking System is part of the research project called "Smart Cities Test Plant” in Bologna (IT). 2015 A SENSOR FOR AIRCRAFTS Nabla Quadro starts a project to research, develop, test and manufacture a wireless sensor to monitor the exact time when an aircraft parks in and leaves an airport parking stand. This is Sky Light Aircraft System. 2016 ACCREDITATION. Our Testing Laboratory for acoustic measurements has been accredited by ACCREDIA, which is the Italian Accreditation Body and assesses the compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. The Laboratory will be accredited until 01/01/2022. 2017 LORAWAN TECHNOLOGY. Internet of Things is becoming more and more widespread. Nabla Quadro integrates a LoRaWAN radio module inside Sky Light Sensor, as well as a Bluetooth module to identify users. 2018 NEW OFFICES. Nabla Quadro moves its office to the amazing location called Complesso Capannacce inside one of the biggest tech hubs in Rome. 2021 NB-IOT. Thanks to our R&D activity, Sky Light sensors progress in the field of Low Power Wide Area Network: now it’s available an NB-IoT version of the sensor. Data transmission to the server is based on the LTE network.