Roma Servizi per la Mobilità decided to extend the adaptive traffic light management system with Sky Light Sensor in the City of Rome. After the successful projects in via Nomentana, via Casilina and via Aldrovandi, Sky Light Intersection System has been installed along the tramway route number 2 between Piazzale Flaminio and Piazza Mancini and the surrounding streets in the district.
The sensors of this project have been installed and managed by Citelum. It is one of the main public lighting actors in Europe and the world. In a call for tender in 2015, the city of Rome selected Citelum for its expertise to undertake a project to renovate and maintain traffic lights as well as manage changeable message signs and access control systems.
In this specific situation, the railway to be monitored is mostly situated in a reserved lane, but, sometimes (as crossroads or turns) it merges with lanes dedicated to private transportation. Sky Light sensors monitor both the tramway and the surrounding streets with private vehicles.
The main purpose is to detect when a tram is approaching a traffic signal-controlled intersection, to apply public transport priority strategies.
This project is composed of 60 Sky Light Sensors – traffic version and 10 Interface Cards connected with traffic light controllers for data transmission.