This traffic monitoring is part of SICURPAQ, a project for road safety created by a joint effort of Provincia dell’Aquila, “La Sapienza” University of Rome and ACI and partially funded by Regione Abruzzo. The total budget for interventions will be 1,649,000 €. The aim is to realize a regional traffic monitoring centre to keep public administration constantly informed about the road network condition. As a result, it is possible to give a prompt response to critical situations and, most importantly, to avoid possible car accidents.
The project is composed of 20 monitoring sections and 80 sensors. Each section is controlled by an Access Point, which is powered by public-lighting network. Access Points send traffic data on a server owned by Provincia dell’Aquila via GPRS.
Besides, data will be processed with software developed by a team of “La Sapienza” University of Rome. The activity of this team is to make forecasts on the traffic situation and provide important information to fulfil safety practices.