La Semaforica Srl started a pilot experiment to evaluate Sky Light Intersection System for Translohr train detection approaching to crossroads. Translohr is a rubber-trained tramway system for urban applications. It sometimes has a dedicated street lane while other times it can share its path with other vehicles. This wireless detection system has been installed in Padua (Italy) at the end of 2016.
The main purpose is to detect when a train is in transit, to manage its priority over other vehicles.
Sky Light Intersection System has to prove to work well in a hostile environment like the one that is along the Translohr line, which is characterised by trains riding really close to the road surface (only a few centimetres) and high magnetic disturbance.
Two Sky Light Sensors have been installed, one for each direction of travel, close to the rail of Translohr. The sensors send traffic data to a Sky Light Hub installed in the traffic light cabinet. The Hub communicates directly with the regulator that manages the traffic signal timing.
Despite difficult environmental conditions, the pilot experiment is giving outstanding results